Connecticut Town Testing 'Pandemic Drone' That Can Sense If You Cough

The town of Westport, Connecticut, is testing out a new drone that is capable of gathering biometric readings from people nearly 200 feet away. The 'pandemic drones' will be used by the police to monitor crowds and large gatherings to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading when the state begins to reopen.

"We know that social distancing is working to flatten the curve and ultimately saving lives," Westport First Selectman, Jim Marpe said in a statement. "In an effort to continue safeguarding the citizens of Westport during the COVID-19 outbreak, and as we position ourselves to gradually return to our routines, we should explore ways to prevent a possible resurgence of the virus."

The drones are made by a company called Dragonfly and come equipped with sensors to detect a person's body temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate. They are also able to identify if somebody coughs or sneezes.

Police said they will not do anything if the drone identifies somebody who has a fever or is coughing. Instead, they will log the information, and after the testing phase is complete, work with experts to determine the best way to use the drone to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Photo: WTNH-TV

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