WATCH: Billionaire’s $90 Million Yacht Crashes Into Dock

A super yacht owned by Capri Sun juice tycoon Hans Peter Wild crashed into a dock at in Simpson Bay, St. Marten last week.

The 235-foot vessel experienced a computer malfunction before crashing into a wooden jetty and concrete dock, causing significant damage last Wednesday (February 24), Daily Mail reports.

It was unclear whether Wild, 79, was on board at the time of the crash. The juice tycoon is valued at $3.3 billion, according to Forbes.

Footage of the crash showed the turquoise super yacht GO -- which includes a helipad, gym steam room, swimming pool and its own onboard hospital -- slowly travel through the dock, which includes one clip of an onlooker repeatedly saying "oh my God" as the crash happens.

In a separate clip, a witness is heard saying: "It's hitting concrete now. What's going on?"

It has not yet been determined how much it will cost to repair the super yacht or the dock, but a manager for the yacht club expects the process to last several months, Daily Mail reports.

The yacht's captain was attempting to leave the Simpson Bay Lagoon when the crash took place at 10:15 a.m. on February 24. St. Maarten Yacht Club was been closed in response to the incident.

No injuries were reported during the crash.

Photo: Getty Images

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