Suspects Accused Of Stealing Dozens Of ATMs, Over $60,000 In Cash

Photo: New York City Police Department

Authorities in New York City are asking the public for help identifying a crew of at least five people who have been robbing businesses across the city over the past six months.

Officials said that the thieves hit 42 businesses, including bodegas, laundromats, and barbershops, stealing their ATMs along with cash and other merchandise. The crew has stolen at least $60,000 in cash during their six-month robbery spree.

The New York City Police Department released several videos showing the individuals, who are believed to be in their 20s and 30s, breaking into businesses, grabbing the ATMs, and loading them onto a truck before driving away. They are also believed to be responsible for at least two car thefts as well.

There have been no reports of injuries in the robberies, which have all occurred at night when the businesses are closed.

"The crazy thing, they definitely been here cause they only broke the particular spot where the ATM was. They didn't break nowhere else, just that," a store clerk told WNBC. "Unfortunately, they seem to know what they're doing because 42? That's not luck anymore."

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