Married Teacher Accused Of Having Orgy With Students Wearing 'Scream' Masks

Mugshot of Brittany Fortinberry

Foto: Marion County Sheriffs Office

Brittany Fortinberry, a 31-year-old former teacher from Indiana, is facing severe legal consequences after being accused of organizing an orgy with students wearing 'Scream' masks. Prosecutors are preparing to charge her with 24 new felony counts, adding to the five counts of level-one child molestation she already faces.

If convicted, she could spend the rest of her life in prison.

The accusations involve six juvenile victims, some as young as 13, whom Fortinberry allegedly met at two Morgan County schools in 2024. According to authorities, Fortinberry allegedly spent $600 on the students and had them wear horror movie masks during the encounters. She also allegedly provided the teens with drugs and alcohol and threatened to harm herself if they reported the abuse.

The case has taken a toll on Fortinberry's personal life as well. Her husband, Nicholas Fortinberry, filed for divorce in February, shortly after the police investigation began.

Morgan County Prosecutor Steven Sonnega stated that Fortinberry could face 20-40 years in prison for each child molestation charge if the sentences are served consecutively. She is also accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, dissemination of harmful material to minors, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

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